Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kirkland Dog Bed Made With What

The illusion of success

Dear members and supporters,

attached below a good article that I have drawn from the latest issue of "Wake up !"... Well yes and 'own the magazine of Jehovah's Witnesses to prove that we do not have prejudices and be ready to seize the good thing wherever they are.

Good Reading!



From the November 2008 issue of "Awake!".

The illusion of success

Just twenty years was already 'a musical phenomenon and had accumulated a fortune. Few people at that age 'become so' famous and earn 'a lot. But then things began to take an ugly turn. After two failed marriages, he had to feel a bit 'in rehabilitation centers for alcoholics and drug addicts. His life was falling apart.

Unfortunately, the story of this girl is not 'an isolated case, often the tragic events of celebrities' make the news. Even in finance, more 'conservative, people who seem to have achieved success are often troubled lives of the protagonists. Speaking of the ladder of success in the financial world, a newspaper says about New York: "The drive for record-breaking profits is ruining careers, breaking up families and keeping drug dealers busy ... While the record damage awards to a few bankers on Wall Street the feeling of being invincible, others find themselves emotionally in pieces because the craving for success, sometimes reaching to the bottom. "

It 'possible that these problems arise when trying to find happiness' and the success the wrong way?

It 's true that a certain economic security and' important. But success in life is perhaps accumulating wealth? Studies show the opposite. For example, a study conducted in China in a recent period during which the average income and ' increased by 250 per cent noted that in reality 'the people were less satisfied with life.

The real success of a person, therefore, can not 'be measured on the basis of his career or the value of the house, car or clock that has, but on the basis of something more' meaningful. It should reflect what 'and the individual' as a whole, including its principles and its goals.

For example, a person, however brilliant and influential, could be devoid of moral values \u200b\u200band do not know what is love and true friendship. Someone else, though become rich and famous, you might look around and ask: "What I was struggling so much? What is the point my life? ".

E 'clear, therefore,' that people who have achieved the success they have focused their lives on something more 'important, including the sound principles on which to be guided. Consequently enjoy inner peace, self-esteem and respect of others. They also have a purpose in life that transcends the personal interests and gives a meaning to life and makes you feel satisfaction.

Some may wonder: "What are these principles? And what 's this? ".

The answers to these questions are to be found within ourselves, or we look elsewhere?


Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Caw Wont Show Up Online

Learn the potential 'of new media

Dear members and friends of the reception.
A short message to encourage and encourage us all to learn to use new media that are offered by information technology.
We have a wonderful blog and we have to work a bit 'all - I for one - to better understand how to use it and what its true potential'.
A first short message 'already' a small step in a journey that can 'be long and take us to faraway places and beautiful.
A warm hug to all with the hope being that many of the happening to our Sunday, November 30, 2008. Hello Maurizio