Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Dall'Edificabilità the Multifunctionality

by Michele Giovannetti
Area Manager Rural Development and Tourism

Ensure and maintain the "quality of life" through the multifunctional

Thousands of kilometers of road, high environmental costs and products of unknown origin, not always safe for the hygienic and health and what you do not know the human cost caused by working conditions of those who produce them, while it is clear the social cost of unfair competition for those who live in our territory.
E 'that's the outcome of a consumerist economy strongly suited to the waste of resources of all kinds (human, environmental and economic). A concept of consumption that has spread too many times and for too long even to our territory, where the rents of luxury and research have led many people to speculation, especially construction, which would bring more profit than their income already earned. This, while not being rewarded - if not even deterred - young people who want to compete, do business and enhance our countryside regains the will and the sense of working the land and enjoy its fruits as a qualifying part of our culture and vital educational tool.
But the motivations of our attempt to twist the meaning of " Riminisation " in a symbolic concept of sustainable development - not just growth - territorial only intrinsic product that we consume or the positions of income that we see prevail.
fact the preservation of the territory entrusted to the sometimes poor rural communities of the hill, has a vital role for the security of agriculture and the cities of the plain, through the delicate balance of complex hydrological and ecological systems that characterize our country.

To the inhabitants of rural areas should therefore be granted the same rights and dignity of the conditions and according to the same opportunities as other citizens and workers. We need a new culture that values \u200b\u200bthe dignity of those who choose to stay and work in the country, is in lowland areas than in the hills through the recognition of multifunctionality of agriculture , ie the ability of the primary sector to result in joint production: physical goods, services and other environmental externalities . In this educational activity must contribute to the dignity of the family, school, community, church and society, the local authorities.

For these reasons we decided to be promoters of this contribution to the Municipal Structural Plan and more specifically to the Town Planning and Building Regulations to be annexed to the same PSC. A contribution that we ask you to participate and sign rispecchiaste if there in spirit.


Giuseppe Salvioli
President Coldiretti Province of Rimini

Michele Giovannetti
Area Manager Development and Rural Tourism Association Center for Studies on New Generations
President Circle ACLI Company Libraria

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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Law and economics: a difficult yet necessary to meet

of Federico Caffè
in "Current Problems of the crisis, studies in honor of Joseph Ferri, Cedam, Padova, 1983.
We propose below a long article by Frederick Coffee download, as a starting point for study and discussion, following the Seminar held Meditations during 2009.

Click here to download PDF of Coffee

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Please note that Monday, November 15, 2010 at 17:30 will be held at the headquarters of between the Banques Populaires in Rome, a meeting organized by the Centro Studi Federico Caffè cycle "Conversations Federico Caffe", with Prof. James Kenneth Galbraith, entitled "The Great Crisis, and the rising great Keynesian neo-liberal counter-attack : a study in the power of the Predator State ", taken from his latest work in 2008 (The Predator State). During the meeting, among other things, the author speaks of the causes and the most critical aspects of the international economic crisis.

Click here to download the invitation to the meeting

Sunday, October 17, 2010

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Food as cultural heritage

A reflection on local products
Michele Giovannetti

Great dusting has in recent years the issue of local products, as well of ethical consumption, solidarity and social development. I believe that there is another equally valid argument to define the food consumption in this case, a social language. But we must make a distinction between the product itself, intended only as a commodity whose purchase is an added value to the local economy, and the whole set of relationships expressed from its conception, creation and consumption. Selling in foreign markets a product of the local Italian cuisine, it becomes obvious that all the immaterial gives off a salami for us, especially when sliced \u200b\u200band in the case of Romagna, situated on a flat bread. It makes you think, what is syncretistic, export a product, the salami in this case, and that it is rather more ecumenical export a territory, a tradition like that of flat bread with salami. Why a foreign culture, in the second case, not only receives from outside a commodity that becomes part of its "melting pot", as the identity of a territory, the mentality of its inhabitants. That are not only friends, or just do not break bread with each other by sharing it, but from their synechism, that is their choice to "live together" and live in a relationship, which created something that goes beyond the taste of meat mixed dried for storage. A word from Gilbert K. Chesterton that always strikes me is this: "Remove the Nicene Creed, and do a strange injustice to sellers of sausages." There is more ironic and happy expression, to demonstrate how a product actually has its own peculiarities and derives its appreciation not only taste that leaves the impression to the senses, but as an expression of culture and much more from a shared religiosity. Just think of the episode of the wedding at Cana where the scents of food go up to heaven like a prayer, and before that, all the Jewish traditions related to food Holocaust and its value, in short, like all things Christ has done the best at the table.
So, back to the initial theme, buying a local product, must not only be an act of philanthropy and social solidarity, as a prerequisite for recognition, the award of a personal identity and enrichment. Appreciate the food, and even more than a meal, with its typical formulation of a place, means to sample a culture and draw nourishment: even before the enjoyment or the satiety of the stomach, for the spirit. An example? We can take him Leo Moulin, a sociologist when power confronts the Polish, Italian and German without necessarily having to throw in the exotic fashion of oriental cuisine. German minimalism, combined with the abundance of Polish and Italian, whose culture, for how little he knows, are historically linked.
I do not know if I've hit the mark, and if I passed a fair impression of how food and its consumption, particularly in terms of authenticity, not a mere matter of individualism and greed. But I am convinced that you know, as an Italian, especially the homemade pasta from her grandmother, regardless of where they come from eggs, and of course, always the best dish.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

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Food, dialect , Agriculture:

centuries of history and traditions can be deleted?

Friday, November 5, 2010 from 9:30 am to be held in Santarcangelo di Romagna a conference organized by Rimini Coldiretti " food, dialect, Agriculture: centuries of history and tradition can be deleted? ", sponsored by among others the Association Center for Studies on New Generations.

Giorgio Tonelli - Journalist RAI
9.30 Welcome and Opening
Bishop Francesco Lambiasi - Bishop of Rimini
Mauro Morri - Mayor of Santarcangelo di Romagna
Jamil Sadelghovaad - Provincial Councillor for Productive Activities
Joseph Salvioli - President Coldiretti Rimini
10.00 Food, consumption, globalization and food security: a pact between agriculture and the citizens
Rolando Manfredini - Head area Coldiretti food quality and safety
10.30 The dialect is the love for their land (voices, colors and flavors of dialect)
Tonino Guerra
11.00 dialectic between past, present and future
Joseph Bellosi - scholar of folklore and dialect of Romagna
11.30 work in agriculture and the prospects of sector
Rino Ghelfi - Professor of Agricultural Economics and Appraisal - Agricultural Faculty University of Bologna
12.00 Conclusions Gianluca
Lelli - Director Coldiretti Emilia Romagna

You are all invited to participate.

Click here to download the invitation to the conference

Friday, October 8, 2010

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16 to 17 October 2010 CAI Orvieto and the Walking Group Altroturismo of Florence.

Gorge by Pasquarella
(Saturday, 16/10/2010)

Difference: (minimum m.150 m. - m.610 maximum altitude above sea level)
Travel time: 6.30 h
Check with car: At 8:45 am Bar-AGIP station A1 at the exit of Orvieto.
Directors of excursion: Salani Maureen 389-7924782

Titignano and Throat Forello
(Sunday, 17/10/2010)

Difference: (minimum m.125 m. - m.512 maximum altitude above sea level)
Travel time: 5.00 h
Check with equity: 8.30 parking at the back of the train station in Orvieto Scalo.
Directors of excursion: Salani Maureen 389-7924782

On Saturday night, all together, we will retain for a dinner at the Farm Titignano in the locality . Dinner will be served at the price of € 20.30. 20.00.

members and who are interested to join this initiative are asked to notify, not later than the 10th day of October, e-mail or at the following phone number of Subsection 342-0037898

NOTICE FOR NON-MEMBERS only parties to the Desk:

non-members are strictly required to book in by Friday before the tour section to enable the insurance and pay € 5.50. (To activate the insurance we need the full name and date of birth) All of the above is given by changes in insurance made by Headquarters from 01 January 2009.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

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young and innovative Disappearance motor development

by President Charles Pantaleo
Association Center for Studies on New Generations

is a titanic task but we have to steer the crisis, to defend all.
If the source of the earthquake is international, we can not expect a reply from the same side, but we must start with whoever is suffering from a more rigid, helping the development territorial space in which the weaknesses become urgent challenges for the future. This ability to respond to the majority that the social fabric of local businesses and large enterprises run locally it is made in Italy, has always been ...

This proposal is part of a concept of active welfare, development-oriented and not for the sole purpose of protection and support of a weak category. Assumes a logical reward, says the dynamism of the younger generation to help the transition to independence, involves them directly in building their future generating effects that multiply the impact and generate greater confidence and hope, beyond the conditions departure.

Click here to download the full proposal

You can also find the document on the website of the 46th Social Week of Italian Catholics in the page on, "Contributions to the discussion by clicking HERE .

Monday, October 4, 2010

How Much Is A Set Of Pearls Worth?

Antonio Cialabrini

receive and publish a witness by the Directorate of Educational Policy of the Municipality of Rimini, Samuele Zerbini, took place yesterday on the occasion of the death of Antonio Cialabrini who was among the protagonists of the structural and teaching within the local nurseries and kindergartens Rimini.

"I met Antonio Cialabrini soon as I was elected alderman, 12 years ago. Immediately struck me about him a great passion for education, and the willingness to encounter, dialogue, and experimentation of new solutions, rare gift. Moreover, it was he who in 1980 pioneered the "Project Nature", which still continues with great satisfaction. It was his way to focus on the autonomy of the child. He was among the first to bet on the educational value the nursery, when all was still a social service easy to care of children. and built the system of day nurseries and nursery schools of the City Rimini recognizing that the educational challenge was to be a collective responsibility among teachers, administration and society, setting up Collective of Teachers that are still a point of the municipal school of excellence. Finally, he knew to be not only leadership, but friend and mentor to many teachers and leaders who now remember him with grief at the death, and affection. The schools of Rimini owe much to him, and I can only agree to mourn, to add my personal gratitude, remembering how his ideas and his work will live on in the work he has done. "