Sunday, October 17, 2010

Heart Gold Emulator Gts

Food as cultural heritage

A reflection on local products
Michele Giovannetti

Great dusting has in recent years the issue of local products, as well of ethical consumption, solidarity and social development. I believe that there is another equally valid argument to define the food consumption in this case, a social language. But we must make a distinction between the product itself, intended only as a commodity whose purchase is an added value to the local economy, and the whole set of relationships expressed from its conception, creation and consumption. Selling in foreign markets a product of the local Italian cuisine, it becomes obvious that all the immaterial gives off a salami for us, especially when sliced \u200b\u200band in the case of Romagna, situated on a flat bread. It makes you think, what is syncretistic, export a product, the salami in this case, and that it is rather more ecumenical export a territory, a tradition like that of flat bread with salami. Why a foreign culture, in the second case, not only receives from outside a commodity that becomes part of its "melting pot", as the identity of a territory, the mentality of its inhabitants. That are not only friends, or just do not break bread with each other by sharing it, but from their synechism, that is their choice to "live together" and live in a relationship, which created something that goes beyond the taste of meat mixed dried for storage. A word from Gilbert K. Chesterton that always strikes me is this: "Remove the Nicene Creed, and do a strange injustice to sellers of sausages." There is more ironic and happy expression, to demonstrate how a product actually has its own peculiarities and derives its appreciation not only taste that leaves the impression to the senses, but as an expression of culture and much more from a shared religiosity. Just think of the episode of the wedding at Cana where the scents of food go up to heaven like a prayer, and before that, all the Jewish traditions related to food Holocaust and its value, in short, like all things Christ has done the best at the table.
So, back to the initial theme, buying a local product, must not only be an act of philanthropy and social solidarity, as a prerequisite for recognition, the award of a personal identity and enrichment. Appreciate the food, and even more than a meal, with its typical formulation of a place, means to sample a culture and draw nourishment: even before the enjoyment or the satiety of the stomach, for the spirit. An example? We can take him Leo Moulin, a sociologist when power confronts the Polish, Italian and German without necessarily having to throw in the exotic fashion of oriental cuisine. German minimalism, combined with the abundance of Polish and Italian, whose culture, for how little he knows, are historically linked.
I do not know if I've hit the mark, and if I passed a fair impression of how food and its consumption, particularly in terms of authenticity, not a mere matter of individualism and greed. But I am convinced that you know, as an Italian, especially the homemade pasta from her grandmother, regardless of where they come from eggs, and of course, always the best dish.


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