Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lumineyes Change Eyecolor

Man: the amazing creature

Enrico Strocchi

Science and technology have made great strides in the last 100 years and there are many achievements that fascinate us and that we can be proud of let us think only the evolution of means of transport, from the first car and the first cars arerei present situation, the high-speed trains, to supersonic jets and the possibility flights into space. As for the media by telegraph to mobile phones, video phones to, the Internet ... We're rightly impressed by the wonders that surround us, but often neglect to consider the "big surprise" that is our body, we remember him only when something is wrong (the heart, liver, intestines, etc. ..) and when everything is working "to wonder" what we consider "normal" and forget it.

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Educating the fullness of life
of Charles Pantaleo
President Association Center for Studies on New Generations

Stocchi thank Henry for the pages you sent us and which are crammed with amazement at the waist. There is a an excerpt from Aristotle's Metaphysics, which basically says that philosophy stems from wonder (wonder!), That a man feels a sense of wonder recognizes not know.
"The men began to philosophize, now as before, because of wonder, while from the beginning were still amazed at the easiest difficulty, then progressing gradually, they came to pose increasing problems for example problems relating the phenomena of the moon and the sun and stars, or problems concerning the generation of the entire universe.
Now, who feels a sense of doubt and wonder recognizes not know, and that is why he who loves the myth is, in some sense, a philosopher: the myth, in fact, consists of a set of things which arouse wonder. So, if people have speculated to get rid of ignorance, it is clear that only sought the knowledge to know and not for any practical use. And the way it was carried out by the facts shown, when there was already almost everything needed for life and also all'agiatezza and well-being, then it began to look for this form of knowledge. It is therefore clear that we do not seek any advantage to that is alien to it, and, indeed, it is clear that, as we say free man who is an end in itself and is not subservient to others, so this alone, between all other sciences, the freedom to say: it alone is in fact an end in itself. "
The surprise comes from how well we take for conventions gained widespread as their beliefs without even knowing how to establish and outline. Here I think the surprise I have also led to neglect the fact that "Together we must build a new culture of life ... which is expressed in laying the foundation of practical choices-at the personal, familial, social and international-the right scale of values: the primacy of being over, the person over things. "(John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, n. 95-98, 1995)

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