Friday, November 12, 2010

Giving Up Smoking Flu Like Symptoms

Oil Bread and Wine

The Feast for the Historical Centre of Rimini in Romagna

We want to be the 'lifeguards' hinterland. After landing at the sea from our campaigns to 'dig' the beaches and to plant rows of umbrellas making the fertile coast and bringing wealth to all, now we want to bring to earth the wisdom that came from the bond with the sea.
The metaphor of the wet we need to tell all the passion for an area that is experiencing a time of great discovery of its products against which the traditional festival, a feast for the Romagna, he wants to be a vehicle for the promotion and food for thought.
The Feast of Bread, Oil and Wine is not for us yet another review of branded products Romagna, but the value of everything that entails living the Romagna. Step by step to discover the difficulties of those who choose to live his ground, drawing with meticulous processes, then we find that the dishes on the table, to know everything that is born of our civil history, as modern agriculture, the activities connected with it, life in the country to tourism as has been characterized in Rimini, where the beach umbrellas are arranged in rows of vines, not without a sense. It is from Rimini, the capital of his province, apparently more disconnected from its hinterland, we want to leave, to return from the sea to the campaign.

So here's what will offer the second edition of the festival , which this year welcome products and the realities of Romagna.
First, a feast of bread, oil and wine as symbolic products of our food culture, our history and our civil religion, then stand, bakery workshops, tastings, crafts and flea market for local producers' direct purchase and more convenient.
training will also be an opportunity for students from schools such as the drawing competition "Experiences in the Country", the laboratories of bread and various other activities for children. The program will also include moments of spiritual reflection (it is expected to attend the Bishop) and knowledge, this year organized by the ACLI - Businesses Libraria Rimini at the local film library, the figure of St. Bernardino of Siena, which is dedicated to the convent of Poor Clares of the historic center of Rimini. The program will see a time in the afternoon for a national information on the commitment to collective and intensified in the "revival of tourism through agriculture" and the workshop to be held at the Hall of Justice of the Municipal Museum on "Making Innovation Cooperation in the Making Development will draw some realities of the world of cooperation and the University of Bologna. A space is being devoted to the presentation of thesis topics tourism, innovation in agriculture, finance to enhance the relationship between work and university and show young people a way to turn their efforts to study in real work projects - why not - through the form of the cooperative.

What are the main challenges to agriculture in this moment?
The need for credit support along with innovation. But even the possibility of making a living inland for families, conscious of the territory through a housing with green building criteria for heritage on all sides. There are 200 million tourists in search of alternative circuits which can offer not only the sea package.
The objective of this feast, therefore, do not nostalgia, but to present, promote and sell in the streets, all the excellence and intangible assets of the territory.

Sponsored by:

Emilia-Romagna Region, Province and Municipality of Rimini

the Provincial Department for Productive Activities and the Department of the Municipal Educational Policies

With the promotion and organization:

Association Center Studies on New Generations and ACLI Rimini - Businesses Libraria

With the support and collaboration of:

Federation Regional Cooperative Credit Banks of Emilia Romagna, Chamber of Commerce in Rimini, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Rimini, Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, CIA, Confcooperative Legacoop COCAP Consortium, CNA

Media Partners:



Roads of Wine and Food, Arvar Consortium, ACIR (Association Cooks Independent Romagna), Naturalsalumi, ACLI, CDO Food, European Identity, Old Fish Oven, Roasting Senese, Pro Loco Talamello, 17 Cherry Avenue Library, Office of the Diocesan Pastoral Social



program Sunday, 21/11/2010 - Piazza Cavour, Rimini.

9:00 - Top of sale and display products. Construction drawings show children and baking workshops.

11:00 - Narration in place of traditional fairy tales, by Grandma Riviera (Riviera Faeti).

11:00 am until 13:00 - Round Table on "San Bernardino da Siena" .
room at the Municipal Film Archive Library Long Legs, Long Legs route 27 (at 100 meters from Piazza Cavour, taking away Gambalunga)
Participants: Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli (Professor of Medieval History at the University of Bologna), Fra Nicholas Riccardi (Professor of Ethics Economic Antonianum at the Pontifical University of Rome)
Chair: Filippo Bruschi (Vice-President of ACLI - Businesses Libraria)

Hours 15:15 till 15:45 - Greetings from the Bishop of Rimini, Francesco Lambiasi at Old Fish.

Hours 15:45 till 16:45 - Round Table on "the revival of tourism through agriculture," in Piazza Cavour.
Salutation: Samuele Zerbini (Councillor for Educational Policies and School of the City of Rimini), Jamil Sadegholvaad (Councillor for Industry and Agriculture of the Province of Rimini)
Participants: Alfredo Monterumisi (expert in food and wine tourism), Elizabeth Silvagni (food and wine journalist), Ilaria Whale (animator laboratories museum)
Moderator: Charles Pantaleo (President of New Generation)

Hours 16:15 - Prizing "Experiences in the Country" . Children who attended the award ceremony will "Morning at the Farm" . Via laboratories bread of children.

Hours 16:30 to 19:00 - Workshop on "Making Innovation for Development Cooperation in the Making" .
Hall of Justice at the City Municipal Museum, via Tonini 1 (250 meters from Piazza Cavour, taking away Gambalunga and turn left in Piazza Ferrari continued to via Tonini). Buffet at the end.
Participants: Alberto Rodeghiero (President Agrifidi Emilia-Romagna), Paul Melega (Federation Regional Claims Manager BCC), Everardo Minardi (President Fondazione Giovanni from the factory), Francesco Capozzi (Professor of Food Science Campus Unibo-Cesena), Fiorella Dallari (Professor of Economics-Rimini Tourism Unibo). Students will present their thesis.
Moderator: Michele Giovannetti (New Generations, Project Manager Rural Development)

18:30 am - Mass for Poor Clares Church and San Bernardino, with a Thanksgiving celebration at the Cathedral of Rimini.

Hours 19:30 to 22:30 - End evening with performances and activities with local wine and food tours.


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